Welcome to Women's True Healing.
My name is Marcia Lopez and I am the owner and founder of Women's True Healing, as well as, True Healing Bodywork.
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, Ca to two immigrant parents from Guatemala.
I loved growing up Guatemalan with the delicious food, spices, colors, culture and healing traditions.
My parents always used herbs for healing and spirituality. My grandmother, my father's mother, did a lot of folk healing in our home including traditional cupping, making vinegars, sourdough, and spiritual smoke cleansing.
My siblings and I were raised Catholics, however, remnants of indigenous forms of spiritual worship my family practiced. This was a blessing for me because it helped set me on my healing path.

I started specializing in Women’s Holistic Health because of my own needs but also because I came across womb healing through a book called Sastun.
The book introduced me to Mayan Abdominal Therapy which focuses on the truth that the uterus is the first home of every human on the planet and therefore it is important that we take of it!
I went and trained with the Arvigo Institute which is one of the first institutes to take this indigenous Mayan wisdom and offer it as certified training in the U.S. and I became a certified practitioner through them.
I was able to apply this wisdom to myself while I worked through my own recoveries of sexual abuse, of cervical polyps, and cervical dysplasia.
I found that it was revolutionary. I was already well established as a bodyworker and herbalist but I kept searching for deeper ways to heal.
I was already a practitioner of yoga and then found my late teacher Psalm Isadora and studied Sri Vidya Tantra for women’s empowerment with her. I continued and studied Somatic Sexuality with Pati Garcia aka Chula Doula who founded the Shodhini Institute in Los Angeles. And I went on to do a 6 1/2 year training at the School of the Shamanic Arts with Esther Jenkins for my Shamanic initiation through the Peruvian Quechua lineage as an Altamesayoc, which means Earth Steward.
I met Queen Afua, author of Sacred Women, early during this time and was blown away by her deep and simple insights to the power of the womb.
I also continued to train in so many different kinds of abdominal therapy – Lomi Lomi, Shiatsu, and some training in Chi Nie Tsang that went along with the background that I already had in the structural bodywork, high-risk pregnancy massage, injury rehabilitation, herbal medicine, and meditation for healing.
What I learned through all of this is that this healing has been under the surface of everything that we are.
This is everywhere.
Where ever women gave birth there was knowledge of healing the womb, of taking care of women and families postpartum, of sanctifying the bond between mothers and children and community, of honoring fathers, and of honoring the earth from which a woman’s blood comes. Every one of us received our blood from our mother’s, from a woman, it’s the blood of grandmother’s that sustain us. Shouldn’t we want to ensure that women are healing?
It is undeniable that indigenous wisdom is important. The earth, the womb, the blood, and sexuality has always been sacred. And so the task at hand is to apply this wisdom to our modern times on larger scale.